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When did Meituan change its name?

The company was formerly known as Meituan Dianping and changed its name to Meituan in October 2020. Meituan was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. More... Sorry, this data cannot be displayed at the moment.

Where is Meituan headquartered?

Meituan was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. More... Sorry, this data cannot be displayed at the moment. Sorry, this data cannot be displayed at the moment.

Did Meituan buy light year?

On June 29, Meituan acquired an artificial intelligence startup company called Light Year for USD 233.7 million and agreed to assume liabilities of CNY 366.9 million (USD 50.7 million). As of June 29, Light Year had USD 285 million cash on its balance sheet, which implies that Meituan acquired Light Year for less than USD 1 million.

What services does Meituan offer?

It also sells goods from B2B food distribution services and Meituan grocery; and engages in various businesses, such as Meituan Select, Meituan Instashopping, ride sharing, bike-sharing and electric mopeds, power banks, and micro-credit services. In addition, it offers cloud computing services; and merchant information adviory services.

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